The Speers Family joined us for dinner last night to visit Aaron before he heads off to S. Dakota on Friday (yes, Friday already -- sniff/sniff). Was so good to have everyone there and see how big our sweet baby Alena is getting. She is 6 1/2 weeks old already. She is such a pretty little thing and really filling out. Nothing like when that baby chubs comes on! We love all of you!!!

Cody (13), Aaron (20), Gracie (5), TJ (20), TJ's wife
Kendra (18) and Baby Alena (6 1/2 weeks).

Miss Alena Irene Speers - So Sweet!!

Gracie and her "1st" 2nd cousin, Alena

Yup, my sister Kelly is a GRANDMA!!

Aaron w/ Alena. Two words....BIRTH CONTROL :)