Friday, August 24, 2007

Good News...

Aaron left Krygyzstan last night!! He should be arriving in Baltimore sometime today and scheduled to be back in South Dakota tomorrow. We wanted to thank everyone for their love, prayers and support during his deployment. It truly meant the world to all of us but especially him. We hope he will be able to take leave sometime this fall before his impending re-deployment in January (but let's not think about that right now!). He will be living off base so once he is settled and I have his address/phone, I will pass it on.

Have a great weekend!


nadinehayes said...

What great news! Yeah. Happy Friday. See you soon! XO

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear this..
I hope he gets to come home soon for a visit.
Well I was shooting for one more BQ before Carl's but this isn't going to happen..
Carl called and I'm going out there in a few days..I going to just stay with them since Bob isn't home..
He said I can help but I know he won't have much for me to do..But I can make our sauce for the party!! I can't remember the last time we spent that many days together..some real bonding time.. Plus I can play with the goats!!
see you soon,

Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

Carl said you were heading out there this week. I can be like your own little "mini" vacation. See you Saturday morning!

Carleena said...

YEAH! - - Got through another one... I am sure he will be happy to get out of there.