Monday, February 25, 2008

Gracie & Janae

We got to have Janae Roulst over for a bit on Saturday and wanted to share a few cute pictures. She is growing up way too fast as they all do. She is VERY BUSY and I discovered she really likes music. She was having tons of fun with Gracie's guitar and keyboard. We really got her laughing a few times too! It was alot of fun having a little one around. Hope everyone is having a good Monday. XXOO

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Bowling!!

With the 4 day weekend break that Gracie had for Presidents Day, we agreed to allow her to have her first "official" sleepover. Her friend Abby spent the night on Thursday (Carlie and I both took vacation days Friday) and we took them bowling. Abby was a sweetie and we would love to have her back anytime! For the record...although the girls got the advantage of the "bumpers" -- they kicked out butts. Both managed a few spares and strikes. Abby even scored a 128 last game!

Gracie and Abby with matching pink bowling balls.

Daddy giving Gracie some tips.

Having a blast!

Come on baby, come on!! (The screen will tell you how fast your ball goes..this one was moving about 1 mph...really!) Notice we switched to yellow balls...they were one pound lighter.

Look at Abby's follow through....nice! I think she is a natural!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hello and Happy Valentines Day! Yes...we have our camera back! Yeah! Here are some pictures from this morning. I took the picture of the sky from a stop light this morning because Gracie said "look at the sky Mommy, it is red for Valentine's Day". I love how kids can remind you to stop and smell the roses, you know.

Hope everyone is well and has a great day.