Friday, May 09, 2008


Hello Family and Friends~
I just wanted to do a post to thank everyone so much for your love and support. I will never be able to express the overwhelming swell I have in my heart for each and everyone of you. Carlie and I are so grateful to have you in our lives and we know that we will get through this little "bump" with flying colors.

I don't know how much I will be able to get on line in the coming future, plus we have dial up at home (that's what we get for living in BFE!) so getting into sites like this is torture. So if you don't hear from me on this too often you will know why.

My MRI is this evening and this is our prayer/chant: "ONLY IN THE BOOBS, ONLY IN THE BOOBS". I have told everyone to feel free to join in! HA! I never that I would be saying that "I need the cancer to only be in my boobs". What a crazy statement.

Anyways...I just wanted to take some time and send you all back my complete and total love for you all.

With Love,