I had to share the pretty headband that Julie Roulst made for Gracie as a thank you for Justus' bday present. They are very fun and pretty. She got an orange one and I think a pink one as well (my mind just comes and goes these days -- I think pink).
Also wanted to give an update on Aaron. He is going through his checkoff for deployment this morning and leaves on Monday. He is promising me that he will try to email more while he is gone since the internet will probably be the most accessible form of communication. Remember...he is terrible about writing but I hope he will be better on the deployment to let us know how he is and that he is safe. I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I hear from him after Monday.
Have a great day everyone!
That Julie is so crafty - - That blue looks good on Gracie. Send Aaron our love - - -
Cute Cute Cute!!
She is looking so cute with her new head band..
If the weather ever gives us a break..Karen plans on having one of her famous picnic's..
then I will get to see all my favorite little people..
hugs for all,
I just realized Gracie has your eyes...well the shape of them :)
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