Friday, June 22, 2007


So as a rule, I usually try to keep this blog light and fun. But ya know....sometimes things just suck and ya gotta share (and you all know I am a "sharer"!). Today work just sucks. I am sick of my staff that act like children, I hate my customers that think the world revolves around them and them alone, I hate that I find out that my Seattle facility is paying shop guys more at a starting wage so my guys are getting screwed. Bottom line - I cannot have a pity party even though I want to. I have determined that we choose to live a life style that forces me to work and to be away from my daughter and for what? Pure pain and suffering!! I think I need to buy another lottery ticket..........

I am sure Monday will be a new fresh day.....thanks for letting me vent! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! (Really...I mean it!)


Heather said...

Oh good GOD...I am actually relieved to read this...I've had the SAME day!

Seriously, it's kinda freaking me out! The one day you decide to vent, and you write about the exact thoughts I'm having!! (the detail of the issues might be a little different but the effect is the same...)

For some SICK reason reading this makes me feel a little better...and the fact that I'm home and its Friday!!!

So, thanks for sharing and know that I can TOTALLY relate! Have a fantastic weekend, see you tomorrow! (and enjoy your Sunday ~ cause I just found out I HAVE to work.....this day needs to be over!)

Anonymous said...

Feel better girls??
I sure hope so. I can't bare it when people I love and care about are sad!!
I hope your weekend is lots better than your friday..
Have a great birthday party and have a drink for me..
hugs for all of you,

Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

It is definitely comforting to know that others have poopy days too. I was really glad when it was over that is for sure!

Thanks for the support (p.s. sorry you had a bad day too)